Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Invitation to my first Art Exhibition

This will be my first art exhibition and I am thrilled about it.
Here is the invitation to our upcoming show named 'Confluence' that will be inaugurated on 30th June at 11 AM. About 60 watercolor paintings by Ramesh, Prabal and me with themes mostly covering landscapes, cityscapes, villagescapes and scenes from day to day life will be exhibited. Please grace the occasion and in case you have any questions please drop me a mail.

Hope to see you there !

Following is a painting that I made for this show

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Village Alley [painting]

Here's the painting for the value-sketch I had posted last week.
This is a scene from a small village adjoining my home in Hubli.
The house in the foreground had an eerie bright blue colour which I omitted conveniently to avoid distraction.
Added a couple of people, pots and a dog for some interest.

hope you enjoy this.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

alley [painting]

Here's the painting of the previous sketch I posted.
I am not too happy with the foreground shadows though
I enjoyed paiting the far off alley. was quick and came out well..

do let me know what's not right technically

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

yet another alley sketch

Yet another pencil sketch, and it's an alley again !
I had made up my mind to paint something tonight. I thought of making a value sketch first. I got stuck right there with the sketch :) . hope to paint this some day..